EM-VT fleet

Plasser Measurement as a Service with the EM-VT fleet

Track inspection vehicles in the EM-VT fleet are modern carrier platforms with a wide range of equipment for measuring and inspecting tracks, turnouts, and their surroundings. They are selfpropelled, moving at up to 120 km/h within the timetable, but can also be used towed in a train formation. Possible machine capabilities range from measuring data to extensive planning prerequisites or virtual images for digital construction (BIM). With these mobile measuring laboratories, we provide you with exactly the facts you need as a basis for decision-making.

List of possible applications

  • Inspect the track geometry
  • Outer track geometry: ReferencedTrackGeometry
  • Monitor wear via the cross section
  • Monitor rail fastenings and sleeper condition
  • Complete turnout measurement
  • Track environment from the driver's viewpoint
  • Check the environment and infrastructure (structure gauge, ballast profile, track centreline distance)
  • Ground penetrating radar to determine the ballast condition
  • Geometry of the overhead contact line
  • Digital twin using mobile mapping (BIM)

The EM-VT fleet

The vehicles in Plasser & Theurer's EM-VT fleet offer customization potential for every measurement task on the track. The portfolio continues to expand. The combination of data obtained from different systems allows in-depth analysis of the condition of the infrastructure. The diagnostics this makes possible contribute significantly to the safety and availability of the rail network.

Efficient end-to-end solution

In order to keep all assets available in the track, precise coordination with as little track occupation as possible is required. Regular measuring runs for inspection form the basis for this. The high measuring speed facilitates integration into the timetable. In the back office, this data is analysed for preventive maintenance and used to derive specific work orders. Track construction and maintenance machines implement the necessary corrections and document the results for transparent verification.

Your benefit

  • Complete range of services
  • Track geometry measurement with no minimum speed in conformity with EN 13848
  • Individual diagnostics
  • Highly accurate measurement under real conditions (with real axle load)
  • Use during regular train operation – no track possession necessary
  • In-depth track information provides planning certainty
  • Individual reports as a basis for decision-making
  • Cost saving through efficient construction planning
  • Basis for predictive maintenance